Why inbound, organic marketing is on top. (And why it’ll stay there)

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
3 min readJan 30, 2018

Ah, the controversial subject of inbound marketing. Buying followers, likes, clicks, friends — it seems like a good idea. You look like an influencer and know what you’re doing, right? Wrong.

Super wrong.

As tedious, time-consuming, and futile (hey, we’ve all been there before haven’t we?) as the process of building your digital following can seem, it’s imperitive to do the work the right way. Focusing on inbound, organic campaigns is essential and we’re going to let you know why.

First, what does inbound, organic marketing even mean? It’s basically the switch from the old school, cold-calling method to allowing qualified and interested leads come to you. How do you do this? By adding value, and by adding value for free. Free is the new paid, and the quicker you accept this, the more business you will garner.

Yes, I know, we’ve heard it before — why spend all this time on content creation and social platforms to just shoot out information for free? What a waste! No, it’s not.

Your free content will ensure that 1.: you’re publishing good, helpful information into the universe so others may learn. Soul Graphics places a heavy focus on karma/doing what’s right; we believe it always comes back ten fold.

And if you happen to care less about the hippie-dippie element, there’s item 2.: When you have clients coming to you, after experiencing your digital presence, they are ready to sign up. The closing process is easier, quicker and painless. No more trying to sell yourself, no more intense/nervewrecking pitch meetings — you’ve already done that. Your clients will know who you are, what you offer and the value of your expertise. We all know time=money, so make sure you’re not wasting money. Do the work up front and it’ll pay off in the end.

Lastly, you want a sustainable business model. And you especially want a sustainable marketing model. The worst thing you can do for your marketing efforts is end up scattered, all over the place. Consistentcy is key and by committing to an inbound, organic strategy, you will make sure to stay on track for years to come. This sure beats pouding the pavement (or phones) to grow your business.

So, in summary:

  1. Create valuable, engaging content and offer it for free
  2. Implement a strategy to nurture your interested leads
  3. Watch your organic growth balloon
  4. Celebrate
  5. Repeat

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Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog

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