Yes, you still need a web designer. [4 reasons]

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
3 min readNov 7, 2017

As the democratization of information and services grows, many business owners are taking on more and more self-made projects. With good-looking website offerings like Weebly, Wix, or SquareSpace out there, it’s easy to be seduced by something that seems like an inexpensive slam dunk for your business. Why outsource to a company when I can do it myself, right?

Just like most small business owners need someone to do their taxes (are you trying to file complicated returns with only a pencil and a calculator?), most business owners need a talented and trained web designer to help them with their design. As with everything, you get what you pay for with a web design service.

Here are four detailed reasons why hiring a web designer is an important decision:

Personal Service Conquers All

When you’re panicked, do you want to wait on hold for someone who knows nothing about your business? I know I don’t. When your site crashes or you cannot get that header to center, waiting on a customer service line is the last thing you’ll want to be doing. It’s always a good feeling to work with someone you trust in times of stress. Since most designers rely on referrals (and their portfolios looking good), they will be especially helpful when things go wrong.

It’s Easy to Have Individual Bias

It’s certainly appealing to drag and drop on a pre-made website, but it’s also easy to get stuck in your own bias as a business owner. You are the best salesperson in your industry, yes, but are you the best designer? That’s pretty uncommon. Having a second pair of eyes on the most important part of your digital footprint — your website — is essential. Look at a web designer as a business consultant — they know how to propel your current marketing to something fresh, cutting edge, and effective.

Websites are Starting to Look the Same

Do you want to look just like everyone else? No. Well, once you pick a common theme on a plug-and-play website service, you’ll start seeing your website everywhere. It’s important to stand out online and that will be impossible if your template is already all over the web. Potential clients will start to have eye-boredom if your site is reminiscent of other businesses’.

You Don’t want your Business to be a Tagline for Another

This could be a personal preference, but when I scroll down and see a weebly or wix logo, I take pause with the company. If this company spent just the bare minimum on their website and isn’t looking to innovate or be different, is that really a company I want to work with? These easy, cheap options essentially use your business to promote their own. That’s not the type of partnership dynamics that attract me to a company.

In short, I know it’s easy and looks pretty good to use a drag and drop website company. You can bang out your website in about a day and it won’t look horrible. But six months down the road when issues arise (and they always do), you’ll be spending more time and money than you ever wanted to in the beginning. Take the long-term approach and hire someone who’s creative and who you like. It’ll pay dividends in the end.

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Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog

#WebDesign | #LogoDesign | #SEO Soul Graphics specializes in small business websites, logo design, website maintenance, SEO and e-commerce website design.