Alicia C. R
Soul Intelligence
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2020
Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash

The first step is to remember that we are spiritual beings having an experience in a physical body, we are energy, information and our soul is that spark of light. Light is the energy that vibrates at certain wave frequencies, managing to tune or resonate with certain higher frequencies that can transform our lives.

Uncertainty cannot be embraced until we consciously release the desire to want to control (expectations) and the desire to have (attachments). Let’s think that only in a state of flow and trust we can transcend fear and discomfort of the situations that we provoke ourselves by resisting what it is. Practicing acceptance is the key to be able to transcend both, the need to have expectations of how things, people and situations should be, and the attachments that certain conditions, situations, people or things need to be happy. People who can free themselves from expectations and attachments have taken a step forward to live a life without fear.

Flow is a word that resonates with life itself, it speaks of cycles, evolution, and it opens the infinite field of possibilities; but if we consciously decide to flow, we have to strengthen our faith and trust that we are guided, sustained, and loved; and that we are not alone nor separated from our source, the love that we are.

While we are in this physical plane, we can decide from which level of consciousness we manifest ourselves, and for this, we must turn inward and stop looking outside for answers, solutions and clarity.

Love and gratitude are high vibrations. Feeling love for ourselves and gratitude for our life is a spiritual and practical strategy to transcend fear. Let’s trust in this practice and start flowing in these two emotions from the heart. Miracles, quantum leaps, and peace are manifested when we consciously maintain that emotional state. Regardless of what happens outside or what our physical eyes can see, the way to transform and vibrate higher is to feel and maintain the feeling of Love, Acceptance and Gratitude.

Gratitude is valuing what we are and what we have, not from the ego (achievements, titles, possessions, etc.), but from the soul; knowing that we already have EVERYTHING within us.


Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

- Practice forgiveness.

- Meditate.

- Practice gratitude.

- Do activities that strengthen the emotional bond with others.

- Spend time in contact with nature.

- Wisely nourish our body and mind.

- Practice the state of PRESENCE (Live in the now).

- Spontaneously love and bless (smile, sing, dance and do activities that we like that give us peace and nourish our soul).



Alicia C. R
Soul Intelligence

Proud mother, spiritual being, seeking peace of mind, and emotional freedom through writing.