A Game of Scrabble

Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2024

Brain- memory gain VS Time drain

Juggling with words, sometimes that makes no sense at all, still valid and accepted to play on the board- that is a game of scrabble that can last an hour…

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

My husband and I have been playing scrabble for more than four decades; at home for time pass, and for competitive scrabble tournaments as well. I always wondered about the usefulness of spending time playing, which to me, most of the time, felt like a mere waste of time. Because a scrabble game has its own dictionary with weird words like Squaw, ene, Sward….ufffff.. no doubt they have meaning, but who on earth will use them in day to day correspondence? Language is a vehicle for smooth communication, written and verbal. Any word that requires a dictionary to make sense is a waste of time. Despite my half-hearted participation, my husband not losing an iota of enthusiasm, continues to suggest a game of scrabble almost every single day and plays with such interest and intensity as though his very life depends on it! I have other things to do in the precious one hour we spend joining weird words. Nonetheless, I play, not having the heart to dishearten him!

Today, when I look back, I see all the gains this game has brought in the twilight years of my life. My brain is sharp, memory is strong, logical and reasoning powers intact, above all, childlike enthusiasm prevails in a body that is slowly withering into advanced years of my life. The game brings the mind to the present moment, and I have, at last begun to appreciate the game of scrabble.

Life itself is a game, to be played with enthusiasm inspite of weird situations and people we come across, just as on a board of scrabble.

Winning and losing not withstanding, to see the game to the finishing line is what marks a player as distinguished.

So play on… I tell myself



Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine

Meditation teacher, writer, traveller,great chef, incurable optimist, hopelessly romantic,, serious and jovial at once, nature lover and finally a learner!