A Happy Soul

In the quiet of seeking

Soul Magazine
2 min readJun 15, 2024


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

A happy soul meanders
through the silent corridors of the mind
where thoughts drift like clouds
and time becomes a gentle stream

seeking not the finality of answers
but reveling in the beauty of questions
each one a doorway
to the endless expanse of wonder

the world speaks in hushed tones
through the rustle of leaves
the murmur of distant streams
and the silent gaze of ancient stars

unburdened by the weight of hours
unshackled from the chains of desire
the soul dances freely in the light
of its own unassuming truth

every step a prayer to the wind
every breath is a song to the universe
finding peace not in the possessing
but in the simple act of being

the universe expands infinitely
in the space of a single heartbeat
weaving connections between all that is
and all that ever will be

a happy soul comprehends
the secret of life lies in its simplicity
to love without the need for reason
to exist without the shadows of fear

in the deep stillness of the spirit
where the self dissolves into the cosmos
the vastness of existence
whispers softly

we are one
twisted threads
of a timeless mosaics
each soul a star in the boundless sky

a happy soul knows
it is the journey not the destination
the questions not the answers
that bring true illumination

in the quiet moments between breaths
in the spaces where thoughts dissolve
there lies the biggest truth
we are all interconnected

each heartbeat echoes
through the chambers of eternity
each soul a flicker
in the infinite dance of life

the happy soul smiles
not because it has found all it seeks
but because it has discovered
the joy of seeking itself

and in this endless exploration
this dance of existence and essence
the soul finds its true home
in the myriad of the spirituality

happy soul smiles…smiles…and just smiles




Soul Magazine

Poetic Dreamer ♥️ | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn, grow and be inspired by words