Poetry | Oxymorons | Relationships


All Alone, But Being Together…

Sreeja Saraswati
Soul Magazine


Photo by Tom van Merrienboer on Unsplash

Last night, the wind was heavy, the rain pounding,
Garden was torn with uprooted saplings, fallen flowers,
Still dark and chill outside, the window panes’ braided,
Tempting for naps, warm hugs, to forget daily routines….

As usual, before the alarm rings, she got the jerk,
She can’t forget the routines, she has to be perfect.
Reminded herself, it’s her favourite time of the day
when there is no one to judge, she can make mistakes…

She began the preps, the cutting, boiling and kneading,
Ensuring the nutrients, cleanliness, freshness and warmth,
She didn’t care to spare time for luxury of brush or washroom,
She can’t keep her family waiting, she has to be perfect…

Her cracky feet was thorny, her hands begin to numb,
Oh ! Pill at empty stomach, let that wait, she murmur,
Let me fill the tiffin box first, let the spice and salt be fine,
Can’t compromise with the taste, she has to be perfect….

As he got up, tea was ready, with a bunch of delicacies,
Trousers ironed, all he had to was rush to bathroom,
Check the mobile and yes !! Have breakfast and leave,
The tiffin bag she yelled to take, that goodbye in a hurry…

She stood there, Statued for a while, only to go on with the day,
The last night’s rain still in its’ whispers, her only company;
All alone, checking her phone in vain, no messages or calls,

Not to see any -
“miss you”
“love you”
“take care”
But she typed..
“Had lunch ?”
The message remains unread…

Was she alone ?
Yes, she felt being alone,
In small things;
Things silly;
To be asked about
Her aches, her joys,
Her likes and dislikes,
Her opinions, suggestions;
For she was adjudged good
Only for “certain things”…

Were they together?
Yes, she was secure,
At home built together,
With her man, in effort,
The provider, the pillar
Day and night,
Every moment…

Read this from Val.. Val Garner - 🖋️ Pen name Amber Richards

Read this and much more from Janaka.. Janaka Stagnaro

Read this from Annelise. Annelise Lords

Read this from Fraser Fraser



Sreeja Saraswati
Soul Magazine

Dr. Sreeja Sandeep Pillai MD, Editor of Soul Magazine & The Literary Underground, Ayurveda Doctor by profession, Bharatnatyam Dancer by Passion, Writer by Hobby