An Open Letter to My 100th Medium Follower

Thank you!

Lox Dixon
Soul Magazine


Photo by Luis Morera on Unsplash

Dear follower #100,

Welcome! Thanks for joining, I’m stoked to have you here.

I’m a 30-year-old father of 1, husband of 1, and friend to substantially more than 1.

I live in Lower Hutt, a city just outside Wellington in New Zealand, a series of islands in the deep South Pacific. Down here we’re a topsy-turvy people with backwards seasons which means we have the joy of celebrating Christmas in the middle of Summer. A traditional Kiwi Christmas often involves stumbling down to the beach in jandals (google it), firing up the barbeque, and getting burnt to a crisp (sunscreen is non-negotiable).

As of writing this, I’m into my 3rd month of the Medium experiment.

The “experiment” for me is to publish weekly and see if I can claw back my membership fee within a year.

In my first month, I made $0.66. in my second month, I made just over double that, somewhere in the wheelhouse of $1.44. The end goal is more than $4.20 a month to cross the formal threshold into being a professional writer. Based on my calculations I should hit the target by mid-year, and then watch out world, I’m in the big leagues (totally kidding)!



Lox Dixon
Soul Magazine

Husband, parent, coffee addict. Writing from Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa/ Wellington, New Zealand