Archie Digest Comic Books— BOOKS — APRIL PROMPT — Day 3

I would rather be taken for a fool once or twice than give up an opportunity to be kind. — Elizabeth Cooper a.k.a Betty

Annelise Lords
Soul Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Image from Annelise Lords

Day 3 — Describe a character from a book that has left a lasting impression on you and has remained in your thoughts. Share the impact they’ve had and the reasons behind it.

Thanking Sreeja Saraswati for today’s brain exercise.

I fell in love with books at a very young age. Books became my best friend while educating, entertaining, and giving me my brain exercises. This includes the bible as I was born and raised in a religious country and attend religious schools.

Reading books lights a fire under my creative imagination, that is still burning more than forty years later. Thanks to books I can’t limit my imagination and my creativity, and innovation have no boundaries either.

Books molded me and showed me better ways to communicate, live, understand humanity, love, forgive, heal, and how not…

