Be your own best advocate

Ai Chen Lim
Soul Magazine
Published in
1 min readDec 13, 2023
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“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

~ Robert Frost

Running a boutique consulting firm, I am also taking a journey less traveled by.

As a solopreneur, I no longer have the resources readily accessible to me back in the days of leading a consulting team ~ content design, business development partners or operations support.

Yet I am at peace with the experiences I encounter on this journey.

I get to make all decisions, the way I prefer and aligned with my principles and values.

I enjoy the flexibility of time ~ one that I would not exchange with any other things. For my father and children, I am often just one call and a short car ride away.

I have also learned to be my own, best advocate.

I am who I am, and I have chosen to be my authentic self.

I am special, for the gifts and talents that I uniquely have.

Most importantly, I am kind. And I am spreading kindness in every possible way within my means.

What about you?

Have you chosen to be your own best advocate?

How would you celebrate your individuality?




Ai Chen Lim
Soul Magazine

A practitioner who brings out the best in people. I run a consulting practice in the talent management space. Learning & development is my ultimate passion.