Can Love Reverse Roles?

A story of pain and love

🇱🇰 Tania Mc Mullen
Soul Magazine
6 min readOct 19, 2023


Photo by Александр Раскольников on Unsplash

“In my daughter’s eyes, I am a hero. I am strong and wise, and I know no fear.” Martina McBride

In March 2023, our world crumbled with a single doctor’s sentence. My mother, the one who had always been my mentor and guiding light, was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal liver cancer. The roles we had known all my life suddenly reversed. She, the matriarch, became the child, and I, her daughter, became the caregiver.

The day the doctor delivered the crushing news, her face crumpled, and I saw in her eyes the fear she’d always shielded me from. It was at that moment, as she clutched my hand, that I understood this would be the most challenging journey of our lives.

I became the orchestrator of doctor’s appointments and the translator of medical jargon, ensuring my mother comprehended every detail of her diagnosis and treatment options. In the silence of the waiting room, I could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, and my heart ached.

Seeing that she had nutritious meals, followed by giving her copious quantities of every size and shape of pill known to man, became my new routine. I did my best to maintain a sense of normalcy in our home, despite the looming shadow of the disease. In our home, laughter and tears mingled, as we tried to make the most of the time we had left.

The once-independent woman who had raised me was now dependent on my care. I bathed her, helped her dress, and read to her as she lay in bed at night. The vulnerability she displayed was a stark contrast to the strong mother I had known, yet I was honored to be the one to offer her comfort.

Amidst the challenges, we found solace in each other’s company. Our roles may have reversed, but our love remained unwavering. We cherished simple moments: a shared smile, reminiscing, or the comfort of an “I love you” exchanged late at night.

Watching my mother wither away to cancer was an agonizing journey that tested the limits of my emotional strength. Her diagnosis of that dreaded word “cancer” carried with it a weight I had never known before. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I watched her vibrant spirit gradually dim.

Her once-energetic laughter became a rare occurrence, replaced by the constant backdrop of pain and exhaustion. The medications and treatments seemed to offer little respite, and the disease continued its relentless advance.

The toll on her body was evident. She lost weight rapidly, her once-rosy cheeks grew pale, and her energy waned. I saw her struggle to perform the simplest tasks, and the sight of her in pain was a constant ache in my heart.

Despite the physical deterioration, her determination and spirit remained unbroken. She fought the disease with a courage I could only admire. Her eyes, though tired, still held a spark of love and a deep reservoir of maternal warmth. She continued to offer guidance, even as her strength waned.

The emotional toll was immense. Every day, I grappled with a mixture of grief, helplessness, and love. I wanted to be there for her, to ease her suffering, but the disease was relentless. I watched as she, who had always been the caregiver, became the one who needed care.

In those moments, our roles reversed, and I became the guardian of her well-being. It was a role I embraced with love, yet it brought a constant ache to my heart. I wished for more time, for a miracle, for anything to stop the relentless march of this cruel illness.

I had become her mother not just in care but in making the excruciating decisions about her treatment and, ultimately, her end-of-life care.

As July 2023 approached, the cancer had invaded every part of her body. Watching my mother wither away to cancer was a painful and heart-wrenching experience, but it was also a testament to the enduring strength of a mother’s love and a daughter’s devotion. She may have withered physically, but her love and wisdom continued to live on in my heart.

Witnessing my mother’s last moments is a memory that will forever be etched in my heart. Morphine became her best friend; she began to need morphine more than she needed me. It became my best friend too — although it was a very different dynamic. When her morphine levels dwindled my soul broke as she writhed in pain. As I sat by her bedside, the room was filled with the soft hum of the machines that had become our constant companions in those final days.

Her breaths were shallow, her face peaceful yet weary, and her eyes held the wisdom of a life well-lived. I held her fragile hand, the same hand that had held mine through all my troubles, and whispered words of love and gratitude for all she had given me.

The room was bathed in the warm, gentle glow of dusk, casting a soft light on her tired face. Her breaths grew slower, and I could feel the weight of the moment pressing upon us. With each passing moment, it became more apparent that I was about to say goodbye to the woman who had given me life and unconditional love.

As her breaths grew fainter, I leaned in closer, wanting to be the last voice she heard, the last face she saw. I told her how much she meant to me, how she had shaped my life, and how I would carry her love and wisdom with me always.

Tears welled in my eyes as I kissed her forehead, whispering one final “I love you.” Her last moments were a bittersweet mixture of sorrow and gratitude, the culmination of a lifetime of love and sacrifice. I would carry her memory with me, knowing that her love would always be a guiding light in my life.

Then, in the hushed stillness of the room, her breaths ceased. The machines fell silent, and a profound sense of peace enveloped her. She had drawn her last breath, and I knew she had found her rest.

Finally, she was at peace. She had left this world, but her love, wisdom, and strength remained with me. The roles may have reversed during those three months, but what endured was the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child. My mother had shown me love, courage, and grace in her final moments, and her legacy would forever be a part of who I am.

“In my daughter’s eyes, I am a hero. I am strong and wise, and I know no fear.” Martina McBride

Thank you Dr. Victor Bodo for adding this to your “INSPIRATIONAL” reading list. Your recognition is humbling and greatly appreciated!

Thank you ✅ Doc Samurai Sam for adding this to your reading list: “Mindful Visions to Creative Vistas”. I am honored and humbled by your kind words and recognition of my writing. I truly appreciate your support and encouragement.

Sage Green Thank you for adding this to your “Reading List”, I am truly honored and humbled ♥️


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🇱🇰 Tania Mc Mullen
Soul Magazine

Born in Sri Lanka to a Dutch-Burgher mother & Colombo-Chetty father, I travelled the world for 30 years….I’m still finding my way!