Common Sense Is Not So Very Common

A walk on the knowledge path

Asghar Jutt
Soul Magazine
4 min readOct 15, 2023


Photo by Santiago Lacarta on Unsplash

Common sense is a quality often regarded as essential for navigating life’s everyday challenges, yet it seems to be in increasingly short supply. The famous saying, "Common sense is not so very common," holds in a world that often leaves us baffled by the lack of rational thinking and practicality. In this article, I will explore the concept of common sense, its significance, and why it appears to be elusive in today’s society.

Defining Common Sense:

Common sense is a form of practical wisdom and sound judgment that is rooted in everyday experience.

It involves making decisions and solving problems based on a combination of the following :

  • Knowledge
  • Intuition
  • An understanding of social norms

It’s the ability to think:

  • Logically
  • Critically
  • Sensibly
  • Without relying solely on specialized knowledge or complex theories

The Elusiveness of Common Sense:

1. Information Overload:

In the age of information, we have unprecedented access to data, facts, and opinions, which can often be overwhelming sometimes. Paradoxically, this abundance of information can hinder the development of common sense, as individuals may become more inclined to rely on "experts" or search engines for answers rather than thinking independently. Instead of using their intellect and wisdom, everything is googled.

2. Echo Chambers:

Social media and online communities have created echo chambers where people surround themselves with like-minded individuals who reinforce their existing beliefs and values. This insular environment can discourage open-mindedness and critical thinking, making common sense appear even rarer.

3. Lack of Practical Education:

Many modern educational systems emphasize theoretical knowledge over practical life skills. This can lead to a generation of individuals who excel in exams but struggle with real-world problem-solving. That’s why we see individuals having degrees and certifications, but they lack knowledge and common sense as well.

4. Overreliance on Technology:

Technology has undoubtedly improved our lives, but it has also contributed to the decline of common sense. Features like GPS navigation may have made us less adept at reading maps, while spellcheck can make us more reliant on software for our spelling and grammar. In this digital era, all tasks are performed by machines. All calculations are made on calculators, even the most content is written by AI. Chess and cards are being played by computers.

5. Instant Gratification:

In this digital era, most people run after instant gratification, ignoring the long-term benefits.

This desire for immediate results can erode patience and the ability to think long-term, which is a key component of common sense.

The Importance of Common Sense

Common sense is the foundation of making good decisions in everyday life. It helps individuals navigate complex social situations, prioritize tasks, and make choices that lead to positive outcomes. Without common sense, we risk falling victim to scams, making poor financial decisions, and alienating ourselves from others due to a lack of social awareness.

In professional settings, common sense is highly valued. Employers seek candidates who can adapt to new situations, solve problems, and make informed decisions without requiring constant supervision or detailed instructions.

Nurturing Common Sense:

Fortunately, common sense is not a fixed trait; it can be nurtured and developed. Here are some strategies to help foster common sense in both personal and professional life:

1. Critical Thinking:

Encourage critical thinking by regularly questioning assumptions and considering alternative perspectives. Engage in discussions that challenge your beliefs. Use your intellect as much as possible. The more you use your faculties, the better results will come out.

2. Practical Skills:

Learn and practice practical skills like:

  • Budgeting
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution.

This hands-on experience can develop common sense in everyday situations, and enables individuals to make a better use of their faculties in different situations of every day life.

3. Read Widely:

Expand your horizons by reading diverse materials, including literature, non-fiction, and articles. Exposure to different ideas and perspectives can enhance your common sense and may prepare you to better use common sense to your benefit, assessing the situation well before hand.

4. Reflect and Learn:

After making decisions or facing challenges, take time to reflect on the outcomes. Learning from both successes and failures is a crucial step in developing common sense. Try to learn from every situation you are in. Keep on assessing the circumstances, good or bad.


The saying,

"Common sense is not so very common,"

Remains as relevant as ever. In a world inundated with information and distractions, fostering common sense is a worthy endeavor. The ability to think critically, make practical decisions, and adapt to various situations is invaluable for personal and professional success. By recognizing the importance of common sense and actively nurturing it, we can better equip ourselves to navigate the complexities of our modern world.

Thank you for reading. Your feedback is warmly welcomed and anxiously awaited!

Best Regards,
Asghar Jutt


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Asghar Jutt
Soul Magazine

Vast experience in writing on a variety of topics like psychology, money, life, writing, and self-improvement!