Curse Not, Bless A Lot

Seeing beyond the temporal

Janaka Stagnaro
Soul Magazine


The author’s rendition of Kahlil Gibran’s illustration from The Prophet

I bless instead of curse with my thoughts. This person needs my blessing

We have so many opportunities
to bless this world
and make it Heaven on Earth.

We have so many chances
to be healers.



By blessing everyone we meet.

And by being aware
of thoughts of judgment
that we direct at others
for whatever reason
— inner pronouncements
of the worthiness of our praise
or disdain
and levels in between.

Whether they are politicians
or co-workers,
or outright foes,
every one of us
can either offer our brothers and sisters
the white rose of innocence
or thrust the knife of criticism into them.



Janaka Stagnaro
Soul Magazine

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.