Do You Peek At Blind Justice?

Lila's Gardener
Soul Magazine
Published in
Nov 29, 2023
Photo by British Library on Unsplash

Don’t you put your finger

on the scale

with the feather

‘gainst mine own heart?

In life, the push and pull

Aren’t you wind at my back?


Or rather was it right from the start…?


Don’t you peek

at blind justice,

Intuition all your own?


“Unfolding” as it were

so serious in its tone, all the while

Winking at the world.


Well I wink back at love

For Love is what You are

Destroyed upon the wheel of Time

Adorned in Golden Horror


Wear it proudly, your armor

Reader, you earn it every breath

But remember that

The armorer

Is the Love You Could Not Stand

©2023 Stephen Rains, by means of soul-shitting

