Don’t Answer the Phone If It Isn’t Ringing

Finding honest answers.

Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine


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Fear is a normal part of being human and our built-in alert mechanism. We humans are innately wired to detect danger. Our nervous system is our natural emergency system, which signals 911 for us to save our lives. It is generally an excellent idea to answer that call.

But what about undifferentiated, free-floating fear or anxiety? Is that also normal?

For many, free-floating fear may feel normal because it happens automatically. But it is not normal. Undifferentiated fear stems from unresolved, unhealed emotional wounds arising from our past. Generic fear will sound alarm bells even when there is no real emergency or danger.

Reacting to these alarm bells as if they are real only intensifies the fear. Unchecked, this fear can be crippling, even debilitating, which certainly was my experience.

Finding Relief

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Almost every day of my life, for as long as I could remember, I lived with fear. I awoke in the morning with severe anxiety and my heart pounding. I could hardly breathe. I was desperate, needing to find relief or die. The…



Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine

Mystic. Lightworker. Intuitive Guide. Essential Oil Educator. Integrating our Humanity and Divinity