Dust in the Wind
A Precious Flight
I’m weak and tired, but I have a journey I must make. I see windows looking down on me. Some might say they’re stars. Familiar faces are peering through the glass.
Time is of the essence; I must seek, I must search. This opportunity, like a shooting star, is fleeting. My words, a precious gift, must be shared before it’s too late.
My flight will be swift. The destination is closer than it appears, and the wind will take me.
Will anyone greet me when I arrive, or will they be surprised? My loved ones are far away from me, yet still so close. The ache of missing them is an overwhelming weight upon my heart.
I needed to let them know there was nothing more I could do. They know this, but it must be said.
They’re in a beautiful place. I can see the light, the colors, the brilliance. They are whole. Peace permeates the atmosphere.
They are surrounded by dance, laughter, and love. One day, I will join them and become a permanent resident.
I will leave them with a part of me when I see them. The dust can be scattered. Each will receive a portion until they have all of me one day.
My heart is beating faster as it is almost time to depart. Reunions are glorious!
The sound of rustling leaves begins to echo around me. The wind is starting to stir. Soon, I will be soaring onward. The stars are sparkling and calling my name.