Gratitude | Soul Magazine

Eulogy for a Red Maple Leaf

30-Day Gratitude Challenge

Sherry Atkinson
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2023


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Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today
to bid farewell to a dear friend,
the fallen red maple leaf.
This leaf lived a life many of us can only envy.

In the spring, it started as a mere bud,
blending in with the green tapestry of the maple tree.
As the summer sun-kissed its surface,
it happily soaked up the waves of heat
rising from the forest floor.

From the sunny days of summer
to the crisp, cool embrace of fall,
it danced in the breeze with grace and charm.
Come autumn, it had one last role to play,
transforming into a vibrant red diva,
confidently basking in the spotlight.
In a final performance
it embarked on a slow, mesmerizing ballet,
descending from the branches in a slow-motion pirouette,
as if it had practiced the art of falling for centuries,
spiraling down to the earth, leaving us in awe of its beauty.



Sherry Atkinson
Soul Magazine

Taking off my mask to write about what matters to me. I enjoy connecting with other writers/authors/poets.