First Snow

The new snow of the season is always special

Sanjna Labroo
Soul Magazine


Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky on Pexels

Pin-drop silence on a wintry night
Enough a sign of snowfall in sight

By the morning the snowflakes cover the earth
The first snow of the season brings joy and mirth

Painting the trees and roofs with nature’s white brush
Everything looks new, lovely, and fresh

Shimmering icicles are an added joy
For children, they are nature’s toy

And the sun comes out with a happy face
Showering us with warm rays

From my window, I see snow and sun in one frame
Covering the earth in their drapes

Everyone is bundled up and cheerful, the mood is sweet
Sipping my steaming coffee, I enjoy the scene

To walk on fresh powder, people come out in droves
Some are eager to hit and schuss the slopes

Shoveling snow is fun and a chore
Snowman and snowfall fights in store

A new hope, a happy tiding, and my heart glows
White and gold this painting rolls

Note: I’ve seen snow in my childhood and growing up years. There has always been excitement about the first snow of the season. It spreads joy, love, and hope. Now, I don’t get to see much of it, but I can recall those days of fun and laughter.



Sanjna Labroo
Soul Magazine

Content Creator, Nature Lover, Traveler & a Would be Philosopher.