Flying in a Loop in a Mystery Sky with My Tongue Entwined with Softened Sighs

A collective of 30 poets randomly creating a Loop poem

Janaka Stagnaro
Soul Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2024


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

I had too many choices to choose from —
had to roll my dice right this time.
Time for a dream
coming to a screeching halt,
not before the crown of thorns grabs ahold.
Ahold as I kiss the morning leaf’s dew,
taste the moon’s sweetness
and drink in the pink sky.

Sky high,
I fly beyond the moon and stars,
to reach the heavens,
to soar with you.
You clasp my waist with reverence,
severance in sojourned trysts,
encircling my nipples
with your nymph tongue.

Tongue is where the love is,
we all know that,
but will it last until dawn?
Dawn reveals itself gradually,
and we’re still entwined.
Entwined in each other’s arms,
in a love that lasts forever.



Janaka Stagnaro
Soul Magazine

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.