Fractured Echoes

A journey through guilt’s tangled garden

Soul Magazine
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Do you feel the weight of broken glass in your chest
I carry shards of my own making
each step a crunch of memory
each breath a wince

I wonder if the mirror knows
the lies it reflects in the morning light
sunlight that cuts like a thief’s blade
leaving shadows on my soul

I have swallowed the stones of regret
they tumble in my stomach
dragging me down to the river’s edge
where secrets murmur against the current

I have tried to wash my hands clean
but the stain seeps into the skin
like ink spilled on a letter never sent
words unsaid festering in silence

The door I closed behind me
echoes with what-ifs and could-have-been
its hinges creak like old bones
reminding me of paths not taken

Guilt is a chain made of fragile things
a necklace of cracked porcelain
each piece is a story of failure
each link a bond I cannot break

I am the gardener of my sorrow
tending to weeds that choke the flowers
pruning branches of remorse
waiting for a spring that never comes

So I walk with my burden
a quiet shadow in the daylight
seeking forgiveness in the rustling leaves
hoping the wind will carry away
the weight of broken glass in my chest



Soul Magazine

Poetic Dreamer ♥️ | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn, grow and be inspired by words