Free bird and Caged Humans

Sanjna Labroo
Soul Magazine
Published in
Sep 10, 2024



Photo by Petr Ganaj on Pexels

A bird outside a barn
Sings a song
And I’m drawn
After a few moments it’s gone

Such a pleasure
Little melody treasure
It weaved for my leisure
Soon the troubles of this world
Revive and reappear
The thin layer of peace of mind gone
Leaves me bare

Humans and peace don’t seem
To go together
Cursed we are to be
Lobbying hurt at each other

We gain, to lose
We make, to destroy
We love, to hate

Is everything a fait accompli?
Are we destined to be sad and grumpy?

Why can’t we be simpler
Little humbler
Little quieter
Create a rainbow of harmony
Have the bird’s elegance and wonder

I wish

Thanks for reading! 💚💚



Sanjna Labroo
Soul Magazine

Content Creator, Nature Lover, Traveler & a Would be Philosopher.