Purple Heart💜
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2023


Girl, Get up!

You’ve cried enough... It’s time to get your life back!

For how long do you want to continue like this? He broke up with you; get your life back! You can’t continue to cry like this, and I know you feel like no one understands you better than you do. You feel like no one is ready to listen to you.

All of your friends are busy with their lives, and everyone is battling with one thing or the other. You don’t want to feel like a burden, so you sit at home and cry alone.

But, I want to assure you that you’re not alone; I totally understand you. The guy you’re crying over doesn’t even care about you; he’s moved on. He’s not concerned. You don’t expect him to remain stuck.

You have rise up from within you, it’s a decision you have to make for you. Can’t you see the way you look?! You’re no longer the happy lady you used to be, you used to be the life of the party. What happened to you?

I totally get it, he lied to you, he used you, he deceived you when all you did was love him. But you know what, everything he told you was a LIE. You cannot continue to hold on to those lies.

Stop holding on to lies. Wake up to reality! The more you keep holding on to those lies, the more you remain stuck. Only you can save yourself from the mess you’re in. Yes, you’re in a mess.

And I know the urge will come and you’ll want to go back begging him. Don’t! Do not reduce your self-worth to nothing.

So, get out there, go on solo dates, and buy yourself those things you’ve promised to get. Go for those yoga classes. Shower yourself all the love. Cause you deserve it.

So my love, get up and shine bright like the star that you are! I love you and I can’t wait to see you smiling again.

