Happy Endings & What-Ifs

Life stories

Soul Magazine
3 min readJun 13, 2024



Maybe the happy ending is you continuing to be the soft, loving person that you are despite the way the world has tried to defeat you. Maybe it is a calm nervous system, a peacefulness that cannot be threatened. Maybe the happy ending is you moving on and giving yourself the love you never got but always wanted. Maybe the happy ending is you embracing change, are you going in the direction of the things that grow you move you, and magnify your spirit. Maybe the happy ending is you finding your way back into your heart, back into your home. But most of all, maybe the happy ending is simply just you trusting in the fact that you cannot lose anyone and anything that is meant for you, maybe it is simply just vou believing that you still have time

When the “what-ifs” are keeping you awake at night- remember this:

In another Universe, you made a different decision. In another Universe, you are loving the one who got away, you are waking up on a Sunday morning wrapped in their arms. In another Universe, you didn’t make the mistakes you carry within you, your battle scars look different, and the ache never arrived in the same way, In another Universe, you spoke up for yourself, and you never allowed yourself to settle into certain circumstances that dug into the soul of you, that watered you down. In another Universe, you chose a different career, you took a different chance, and you risked in different ways. In another Universe, all of your what-ifs are realized. They all came to fruition.

But in that Universe, your darkened hope still follows you like a shadow on certain days, you still hold what is heavy and what is light within you. You are still learning how to balance that inside of yourself, and how to make room for it within your body. And in that Universe things still trial you. And in that Universe, you still make mistakes. And in that Universe, you still question your heart sometimes. And in that Universe, you are still a human being, who is growing and learning and processing and healing through it all. In that Universe, things are different, but they are not better. In that Universe, you still have to turn your losses into lessons. You still have to learn to trust in the person you are becoming. In that Universe, you are dreaming of different what-ifs.

The grass is never greener on the other side-it’s just different. So, be present — here and now. The things that unfolded in your life unfolded with reason. Do not regret the way life has shaped you into the person you have become. Do not wish to cut that experience from the bone. Embrace what is connected. Embrace what endured.



Soul Magazine

Writer|Philosophy|Conscious Astrology|Quantum Life|Aesthetics of the Everyday