He Says He’s Not Good-Looking But…

He’s Handsome as Hell.

(Cuz he has no idea how many girls dream of having what I have)

Soul Magazine


Photo credit- Generated by the author using Gencraft AI

You know what’s beautiful?

Read the first word again.

It’s just that-

You look as golden as the ice-capped mountains when kissed by the sun.

You look as fresh as the trees covered in a new blanket of green in the spring.

You look as pretty as the flowers after they shower in the rain.

You look as beautiful as the grass covered in morning dew.

You’re made of roses and poetry,

You’re as enchanting as the galaxy.

You look as perfect as a statue sculpted by the gods.

You make the devil wish for heaven.

But believe me when I say you’re so much more than this.

You make broken look beautiful,

and weak look invincible.

You’re the sun, you make the moon glow using your light,

But you never ask for anything in return.

You’re the breeze in the warm days,

You’re clarity in the confusion.

You are my world,

And you make everything in it beautiful.

You’re the reason I have learnt to believe in fate.

Or in true love.

Because they fall in love with my smile,

but you fell in love with my scars.

Although I can’t see you as often as I like,

But you’re my first and last thought, every day and every night.

And if you can’t see the bright side,

I’ll sit with you in the dark times.

You are the love of my dreams, but only better.

Because you’re real.

And you are the only one I can ever love like this.

Hey there! Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this make sure to clap a billion times( just kidding) and comment😄

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Soul Magazine

I'm 16. When I'm not immersed in the world of words, you can find me writing stories , about anything and everything : )