How Yoga Supercharged My Life

Discover the little-known benefits of this practice

Saleem Rana
Soul Magazine
3 min readMar 10, 2024


Beautiful shirtless yoga master with a sculpted bronze skinned torso meditating in a temple filled with golden light.
Image generated by Author using ChatGPT 4

When I do my yoga poses every day, I get better at paying attention, moving easier, getting stronger, and feeling peaceful inside. But that’s just a little bit of why I really like doing yoga every single day.

Yoga helps me pay more attention to things around me. It helps me focus on my breathing and how my body feels. This makes me better at understanding what my body is telling me. Breathing slowly also helps me think more clearly because I can pay attention to my thoughts and feelings as I move.

Yoga activates my body

Yoga makes my muscles work. It helps different parts of my body get stronger, more flexible, and better at balancing. The poses I do in yoga target specific muscles, making them stronger and helping me move better. This not only makes me healthier but also helps me stand up straight, move easily, and stay coordinated.

Since yoga makes my muscles work, it also helps blood flow better in my body. This helps stretch out tight areas in my body, making them less stiff and sore while giving me more energy. Doing yoga often makes me feel lively and improves how I feel physically and mentally.

Yoga opens my energy channels

Yoga opens up energy paths in my body. It talks about special energy paths that let life energy flow through us. Besides doing poses and meditating, another way to help this energy flow is by doing special breathing exercises at the end of a yoga session. This makes the energy flow nicely through my body, making me feel balanced, full of life, and strong.

Yoga amplifies my well-being

Yoga has made me stronger and more energetic, helped me move better, think clearer, and feel happier inside. It has also made me feel better when I’m upset or stressed, improved my moods, and helped me handle tough things better.

Yoga connects me to my inner self

Yoga connects me to who I am inside. It connects me to other people and the world around me because it makes my mind and body work together better. When I do yoga, I pay attention to what’s happening right now, listen to how my body feels, and understand my feelings better. This helps me know myself more, accept who I am, and feel more peaceful inside.

Yoga strengthens my intentions

Before each yoga session, I think about what I want to focus on. This helps me pay attention to what I want to achieve during that session. Having a clear goal in mind guides how I move and breathe during yoga with purpose.

Yoga helps me receive more

Yoga not only helps me give more good things to others but also teaches me how to receive good things too. By being open to learning from teachers or mentors, feeling the benefits of yoga practice in my body and mind, reflecting on myself, growing personally, and changing inside; I learn a lot from doing yoga.

Final thoughts

In short, by being open-minded during yoga practice, you can bring all the good things from yoga into your daily life easily. Being curious about learning new things about yourself through yoga can help you go with the flow of life better and reach your biggest dreams. Also, doing yoga with others can make you feel like you belong somewhere special while connecting you with nature and everything around you for a sense of purpose and happiness.



Saleem Rana
Soul Magazine

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..