Postcard to Mars.

Karl Vort
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min read1 day ago

Free verse Poetry.

Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

Hello Mum


Hope you are keeping well

just a few lines

to say

i’m still trying to find

a home

for all of us

to live and share one day

on this beautiful

blue planet

The beings

called human

who live here

are so weird

yes means no

and no means yes

i cannot figure

Almost all of them

are white liars

little liars

downright big liars

they might as well

hold a placard saying

liar liar soul for hire

i cannot figure

Coupled with all

the cheats and thieves

one on every corner

they are called

boss never sweats gaffer

is a psycho

worst of all

are politicians

devious lot

but get this

humans vote

for politicians to lead

every four years

to have exactly

the same misery

for the next four years

i cannot figure

I’m not painting

a very good


am i ?



can be so friendly

warm kind and generous

unbelievably compassionate

so full of love for others


so ingenious

they have invented

their downfall

artificial intelligence

robots will do

all the work

but what will happen

to all the humans

i ask myself

surely some will


i cannot figure

Finding it hard

to adapt to assimilate

to be honest

i’m homesick

they call me

the illegal alien

all i want

is a chance

to grow my own drugs

to accumulate folding gear

so i can have

my very own home

but what i find alien

is they have guns and bombs

to kill with impunity

other humans

that don’t conform

the ones

who have different colours

red brown white black

slant eyes

belief systems

and races

not looking good for us

is it?

i cannot figure

And just yesterday

i found out

a geezer called

Elongated Aroma

wants to rob

all of our resources too

now that’s a smell

of shit

that lingers

i cannot figure.

Love you see you soon xxx

To all at Soul magazine thank you for giving my writing a chance.

