I Shall Not Dim My Fire

Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024

At the end of the first month of the new year, I embrace all the good, bad, and ugly life throws at me.

Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

Life is a game of chess, having not just four but several players. Some are even invisible. Each player is thinking ahead by three or more moves, all to one’s own advantage. It is quite interesting and funny at times to watch the games minds play, forever rethinking and moving the pawns to and from as the mind keeps changing! The Creator is watching the mind games from afar with glee. These are the people and their minds, puppets He created for His play. Hey, hey, let’s not jump to conclusions.

He does not have any serious business with us. He surely does. The minds that play fair games and the minds that play foul games are all recorded in the book of His accounts for later reference. In the games played by His puppets, He is not looking for the winners and losers, although He knows everyone is playing to be a winner. All He cares about is how we played the game. On that depends our success, here and hereafter. He, the almighty God, is a Great Scorer who gives the highest score to the ones who play a fair game in their life.

That is the only thing to remember and act upon constantly. How we play the game is all that matters, naught else.

As Grantland Rice once said, ‘ When that Great Scorer comes, He looks not who won or lost the game but how you played the game.’



Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine

Meditation teacher, writer, traveller,great chef, incurable optimist, hopelessly romantic,, serious and jovial at once, nature lover and finally a learner!