I turned 45 today Here’s what I’ve learned

It has been an extraordinary life

Pooja Ramesh
Soul Magazine
2 min readDec 24, 2023


Photo by Elvis Bekmanis on Unsplash

I turned 45 today. More of my life, it seems, is behind me now than ahead of me.

It has been an extraordinary ordinary life.

All the standard boxes have been checked. Educated? Yes. Married? Yes. Kids? Yes. Career? Yes. House? Yes. Car? Yes. Financial security? Yes. Cholesterol in control and diabetes at bay? Yes. Have a good set of friends? Yes.

Yes yes yes and yes. All the standard boxes have been checked.

But life, as we know, is a very big onion. Several layers hold varied experiences, lessons, epiphanies, regrets and moments of unmitigated joy. Each experience teaches you something — if you are smart enough to learn.

Here are a few things I have learned along the way-

  1. Respect and love yourself. Only then will others do the same
  2. Weave generosity into your spirit and being, not as a task to perform
  3. Do not be generous and forgiving to a fault. Boundaries are necessary
  4. Trust your instincts
  5. Never ever let fear stop you from doing what you want
  6. Good health is everything
  7. Nobody is thinking of you or judging you as much as you think they are and thereby judging yourself !
  8. Money is important..up to a point
  9. Choose your friends carefully
  10. Laugh. The world is hilarious if you see the humor in most things

Learning the above, some through experience and others through observation, have helped me live a more meaningful life. As I march on, I’m sure these tenets of life will hold me in good stead.



Pooja Ramesh
Soul Magazine

I am a linguaphile, mom and ex-techie making a midlife switch to writing and teaching. I write about various topics since there's little I find uninteresting!