Are You Tired of Life?

Tired of the hamster wheel? Here’s your escape plan

Soul Magazine
Published in
7 min readJun 26, 2024


“Life is what takes place to you even as you are busy making different plans.” — John Lennon

Ever felt as if you were treading on a wheel, running and running, yet getting absolutely nowhere? Yeah, me too.

Welcome to the “I’m Tired of Life” club — population: probably way more than most of us would want to admit.

But before we start eating into this quagmire of existential proportions, take one deep breath with me right now and remind yourself that you are really not alone in feeling this way.

Heck, even my pet rock gets a tired look sometimes, and all it does is sit!

So, what is all this about, being “tired of life”? Is it a fancy way to say we need a nap, or is something more in play?

Spoiler: usually, it’s the latter.

Don’t you fear; we’re gonna open this emotional suitcase all the same and perhaps find a few hidden goodies on our travels.

First of all, let’s be honest about what “tired of life” really means.

It is humanly not just a desire to hit life’s snooze button, though that does sound nice sometimes. It feels more like being stuck in some kind of “Groundhog Day” TV episode, but without Bill Murray to beguile us and magically learn how to play the piano by tomorrow.

It’s that gnawing feeling that life is flat, like chewing gum that has been in your mouth way too long.

Important Note: If you’re really down or having thoughts of self-harm, please reach out to a mental health professional or a suicide prevention hotline. This article is meant as a friendly chat, not to stand in for real help when you really need it.

All right, back to our regularly scheduled existential crisis.

So, what causes this “meh” feeling about life?

1. The Dreaded Routine

The biggest culprit for this is the dreaded routine.

You know the thing: wake up, head to work, head home, Netflix, and chill — alone, let’s get real — and then rinse and repeat until you’re dead or until the zombie apocalypse finally arrives, whichever happens first.

It’s as though we’re stuck inside some overly-boring video game where the only quest is “survive another day of mundane tasks.”

No wonder we are all tired!

2. Societal Pressure Cooker

There’s the pressure cooker of societal expectations: good grades, a fancy job, a partner, a house, 2.5 kids (how does that even work?), and looking fabulous while doing all that.

It is tiring just thinking about this!

And still, I haven’t even gone to the bottomless pit that is perfect lives on social media.

Spoiler alert: nobody is living their life as perfect as their Instagram feed. Trust me, even that fitness influencer with those abs of steel is probably crying into a tub of ice cream sometimes.

3. The Existential Crisis

Another fun factor in the “tired of life” equation is the good ol’ existential crisis.

You know, those late-night, lying-on-your-back, staring-at-the-ceiling moments, where you’re wondering what it all means.

Why are we here? What’s it all for? Is there intelligent life out there, and if so, why haven’t they contacted us?

4. The Constant Barrage of Bad News

Let’s not forget the constant barrage of bad news that assaults our senses on a daily basis.

Wars, climate change, politicians at their shenanigans — it’s enough to drive a person into building a blanket fort to hide from the world.

And don’t even get me started on when that existential dread just washes over you, knowing that you’re out of coffee on Monday morning.

Now there’s the real apocalypse for you, folks.

Speaking of apocalypses, if you’re looking for ways to grow your medium account, check out my free Medium growth checklist at Gumroad.

It might just be the tool you need to turn your experiences into engaging content.

So, what do we do after all when life just seems like one big “meh”?

Okay, sure, I could give you some pat advice, such as “find your passion” or “gratitude,” but let’s get real — Easy Peasy.

If it were that easy, really, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Instead, let’s look at some slightly more off the beaten path ways to shake off “life fatigue.”

1. Embrace the Absurd

Life is pretty weird — odd in reality.

So why not go for it? Do something totally against type.

Learn to juggle flaming torches (OK, be very careful). Start up with a stranger about their favorite cheese type. Wear vibrating socks with different colors and tell everybody that you introduced the new trend in fashion.

Sometimes, injecting a little randomness in our lives can shake us out of our ruts.

2. Become a Time Traveler

No, I haven’t lost my marbles, at least not all of them. I want you to mentally be a time traveler.

Think about the younger you — what would they think of you now? What would they tell you? Now, think of yourself 10 years, 20, 50 years in the future. What would that person want to tell this present you?

This little exercise perhaps helps to put things into perspective and might just resurrect some long-forgotten dreams along the way.

3. Be Your Own Life Detective

Act as though you were Sherlock Holmes — the deerstalker cap is optional — to investigate the mystery of being dissatisfied with your own life.

What evidence is there? When did it start? What changed?

Sometimes, the very act of approaching our problems in another way suddenly brings amazing insights.

4. Create Something — Anything!

Write a terrible poem. Paint an abstract masterpiece that looks like your cat walked through paint and then across the canvas. Build a fort out of empty Amazon boxes.

Now, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, to make something, anything, is to provide ourselves with the sensation of purpose and completion.

5. Redefine Success

What constitutes an accomplishment?

If society has a say in the matter, then some of the more prevalent answers will include large houses, nice cars, and job titles long enough to reach the bottom of a CVS receipt.

But what if we decided success was making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich? Or finally nailing that video game level you’ve been stuck on top, for weeks?

Or merely making it through another day without losing your cool when Karen, at work, you know, thinks it’s a good idea to microwave fish in the office kitchen. Seriously, Karen?

6. Become a Yes-Person (and a No-Person)

Say yes to things you’re normally saying no to.

That weird food your friend wants you to try? Yes.

That free class at the community center about the mating habits of sea slugs? Absolutely yes.

You never know what kind of new interest or passion you will discover.

On the flip side, learn to say no.

To stuff that drains you, to stuff that doesn’t align with your values, or stuff you’re doing because you feel like you “should.”

Wow, it is amazing how one should feel when they decline an invitation to a party they do not end up attending or when stepping out from a life-sucking project.

7. Connect with Others (or Plants)

Make an effort to have real, face-to-face interactions.

Join a club, volunteer, or just strike up a conversation with your neighbor.

And if all that fails, talk to your plants. They’re good listeners, and they won’t judge you for having a whole pizza by yourself.

8. Practice Radical Acceptance

Accept yourself as a complex, contradictory, sometimes messy human being.

It is okay not to have everything figured out. It is okay to get tired of life sometimes; that is part of the human experience. And, paradoxically, often it is in accepting those things that one starts to change them.

9. Seek Help When Needed

Going to a therapist doesn’t mean you’re weak; it’s like hiring a personal trainer for your mind. They can guide you in working out your emotional feelings and how to cope with life’s worse scenarios.

If therapy isn’t really your thing, no big deal. Maybe a support group or just talking to an honest friend might help ease the burden.

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Well, in short — haven’t thought we were gonna make it, have you? — tired of life is some very human thing.

It doesn’t make you weak, ungrateful, or any less worthy of love and happiness. That just makes you sentient, trying to get through this crazy thing called human existence.

So be gentle with yourself, find new things, laugh at the absurd, and remember that this too shall pass.

And hey, if all else fails, there’s always the option to fake your own death and start a new life as a llama farmer in Peru.

I’m only joking. Maybe.

But seriously, though, if you do, can I come visit? I hear llamas are great listeners.

Take the next step in your journey.

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Soul Magazine

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy