Join Our 30-Day Gratitude Challenge This November!

What are you grateful for?

Vinitha Dileep
Soul Magazine


Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

leaves falling around
hearts filling with gratitude —
welcome, November!

Every day, I intend to sit down and reflect on how my day went. But some evenings, I just don’t find myself in a journal-writing mode. However, I make it a point to list down a few things that went right, made me happy, or for which I am grateful.

Gratitude journaling has been a part of my life for the past eight or so years and I’ve never regretted jotting down what I am grateful for each day. This activity has always helped me view my life in a positive light.

Through the lens of gratitude, I see how blessed I am. Often, simpler things like sipping a warm cup of tea or going for a walk with my husband top my gratitude list.

As I was writing my gratitude list last night after accompanying my boys for trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, I thought, Why not do 30 days of gratitude here in Soul Magazine?

I invite all of you to join me and share your gratitude with us this month. It can be in the form of poetry, reflections, or even a simple list of things you are grateful for. We intend to express our thanks. We celebrate Diwali and Thanksgiving this month. Let’s celebrate November with so much gratitude in our…



Vinitha Dileep
Soul Magazine

A lover of words, writer, blogger, dreamer, loves stringing words together & adoringly calls them poems. Connect at