Letter to my Future Wife

A longing sculpted into manhood

Shuvranil Sanyal
Soul Magazine
2 min readJan 14, 2024


Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

To my most beloved stranger,

My heart has been longing to share a melody for years. It’s a tune without words, a desire without a name. But when there were pauses between the notes, I dreamed of you as the inspiration who would finish the piece. You turned to the whisper of the leaves moving and the sparkle of the city lights. I felt your presence before I knew what to call it.

When I first started waiting, I was a boy with a lot of hopes and fears. I made castles in the sky, chased dreams made of stardust, and stumbled through life’s growing pains while hanging on to the ghost of a smile and the promise of a love I had never seen. Then, as the years went by, I changed into a man, with empathy softening my edges and vulnerability tempering my power. I learned how to laugh freely, cry without feeling bad, and love deeply. All of this because, somewhere in time, you were also being woven in.

Now, with a heart that has been shaped by life and a soul that longs for connection, I reach out to you across the unknown. I picture us getting lost in Einaudi’s Primavera’s swirling melodies, our bodies moving in perfect sync with the ups and downs of his music. Like sunshine shining through dewdrops, your laugh would break up the dark, and your touch, like summer breeze whispers, would add bright colors to our future.

You are the symphony my soul longs for, the missing line in my poem, and the answer to the questions my heart has been whispering for years. I don’t know your name, your face, or your story. Dear Unknown, keep dancing to the wind’s whispers and chasing the flames of your dreams. And know that somewhere, someone else’s heart beats in time with yours, waiting to finish the dance in the Primavera of our love.

Yours, looking forward to

The person who has loved you all along

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2024

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Shuvranil Sanyal
Soul Magazine

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller