
The treasure search ritual

Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2024


Dolphin playing. Image by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay
Dolphin playing. Image by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay

It’s 8 a.m. on a steamy summer morning; tufts of white clouds lackadaisically drift across the parched blue sky, and water lazily laps the shore. Gulls nap in nearby dunes, reluctant to move in the morning heat.

My two trusty 4-legged companions and I move at our usual brisk pace, which is the habit for these early morning jaunts on the beach. They tug at me, wanting to move on to the next enticing seaside scent. But I slow, holding back to explore the sand at my feet, looking for the next treasure: a delicate little shell, a colorful smooth piece of sea glass, a small heart-shaped rock (a sign from my Angels), or a perfect little feather.

The Treasure Search Ritual

This treasure-search ritual has long been a part of my life. I always return home with one or two trinkets to place on the shelf. My beloved Craig always teased, asking, “When will you have enough?” to which I replied, “Never!”

Now, dragonflies flutter and circle, vying for my attention as dogs continue to tug. I glance at the horizon and witness a pod of dolphins gracefully dancing offshore. I am momentarily suspended in time, lost in a deep reverence for the magnificent beauty surrounding me.



Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine

Mystic. Lightworker. Intuitive Guide. Essential Oil Educator. Integrating our Humanity and Divinity