Planting My Seeds of Faith on Medium

I am replanting and watering my writing again after doubting myself

cindee D Renee
Soul Magazine
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.”-Henry David Thoreau

What is a seed of faith? Is it the ability to expect instant results when you plant? A seed is a small thing. How can such a small thing proliferate? A seed has to be cultivated to grow. I saw myself as a small seed on Medium. I hadn’t written much since writing poetry and plays in my parents’s basement on Saturday nights in between laughs from The Golden Girls. I started writing and posting on this platform. I had planted the seed. I always wanted to be a writer but never had the faith to put myself out there. Medium has given me a chance to do so.

My seed goal

I applied to be a writer on several platforms and was accepted. I was elated! However, the seeds of doubt creep in. Was my writing good enough for publication? When I had written a piece I was excited to send to a publication, I chose not to submit it. I published it on my page instead. The seed I planted on Medium needed much more pruning and watering. So I came up with the 4 E’s to inspire myself.

The Energy

At one point, I was obsessed with the attention I received on Medium. I would wake up with the roosters every morning, checking reads and follower counts. Since I hadn’t written in so long, did I now have the energy to watch my stories get rejected?

The Effort

I put much effort into my stories and watched as they weren’t generating much heat. The heat my seed needed to produce. Now what?

The Encouragement

When the viewership of my stories started growing, I was delightfully encouraged. I may be ready to start sending my drafts to publications?! After all, they chose me as a writer. They knew the seed I planted by accepting me.

The Enlightenment

Water all that; the seeds I planted were stagnant. So I thought of an idea! This year, I will write a draft for each publication I write for and see what further sprouts. So far, I am happy with the results. I have learned so much and have grown as a writer. I watered myself. I gave the increase. I planted my Medium garden and watched it grow! It took just enough energy, effort, encouragement, and enlightenment. I had to dig deep within myself to experience those qualities and help my garden.

Conclusion: How does your Medium garden grow?

My garden on Medium will keep growing now that I know how to manage it. I will keep writing. I will keep sending my drafts to publications. And I will keep writing for myself. The greatest gift to a garden is hope. And the greatest gift I have given to myself is faith. Faith is the key. Faith keeps my car running. Faith keeps my family happy. Faith keeps one foot in front of the other. And faith keeps me writing. Writing is like planting a tree. New buds spring up when you least expect them. We need something to grow us and to inspire us to maturity. If you write down what you know, you will have the ability to grow from it. I do not doubt that. And a new Medium garden.

“Planting a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”- Audrey Hepburn

Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash

Thank you for reading.

