Poem of the Day

I am innocent

Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine
Mar 27, 2024


Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

I stood behind the bars

Tears of repentance apart

My heart and soul were distraught

That moment of crime flashed across

How could I? With myself, I was cross

Anger and greed possessed my mind

I was not myself, I was far from kind

The aftermath was not a bother

All I cared was to hiss my hatred and smother

My helpless victim lay still, lifeless.

Scattered senses did come back

Mind was listless, body was shaky

The purport of the deed done

Hit hard; I was taken aback!

I am innocent, sane, and normal

I wanted to scream to the world at large

The clock goes not back

What has passed is past

Consequences were imminent

I could not claim myself innocent.



Leela Ramesh
Soul Magazine

Meditation teacher, writer, traveller,great chef, incurable optimist, hopelessly romantic,, serious and jovial at once, nature lover and finally a learner!