Put It Forward Before It Ends

Configuring Life through Latent Words

Soul Magazine


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Put it forward before it ends
like the rusted gears of an old clock
ticking away in a forgotten workshop
each second ascending a heartbeat
lost in the beauty of the day..

The painter’s brush strokes
on a canvas pristine
colors splashing and adding life
stories of dreams lurking
caught in the web of a spider’s thread
glinting in the morning light..

Put it forward before it ends
words carved into stone
weathered by rain
smoothed by the passing of time
yet holding strength
like a mountain’s resolve …

The sculptor’s chisel
tooling with marble
bringing forth a figure
trapped within the stone
waiting to be freed….

Put it forward before it ends
ideas are like seeds
buried beneath the soil
they need the sun’s shelter
the rain’s gentle caress
to grow into dense forests
of towering thoughts
reaching for the sky…

A consonance of creation
played by hands
that tremble with passion
each note stepping a step
in a sojourn of wonder
learning the compasses
of what could be…

Put it forward before it ends
for the silence is a void
where evil whispers
in silhouettes hidden
thriving in the absence
of voices
that dare to speak….

Like the clockmaker’s precision
like the artist’s vision
like the poet’s words
incised in the air
they stay like the scent of rain
on a summer afternoon…

Put it forward before it ends
for every moment passed
is a chance taken
a purr of honesty
in a world
that needs to hear….

The day turns to night
machines hum their lullaby
and the world
breathes in the silence
waiting for the spark
that ignites the dawn…

Put it forward before it ends
in the stroke of a brush
the carving of stone
the words of a poem
the mix of ideas
let them rise
like the blazing sun
in the horizon of minds…

for the clock is ticking
the canvas awaits
the stone is impatient
and the world
needs your voice
needs your light
to shine through the darkness

put it forward before it ends
before the last note fades
before the last stroke dries
before the silence falls
let your ideas
and change
the world

Just put it forward before it ends!!

© Tamanna_Verma 2024

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash



Soul Magazine

Poetic Dreamer ♥️ | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn, grow and be inspired by words