Rising from the Tempest

Lessons Learned from the Coffee Beans

Soul Magazine
3 min readJun 21, 2024


When it rains it pours.
Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences —
we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it.

~John Marques

Photo by Matt Paul Catalano on Unsplash

First hardship — A fiery wildfire ravaging peaceful woods,
the merciless grip of a beast sinking its claws
into our very soul

In the concealed depths of torment
where strangest of the nightmares reside
body racks with volatile pain
we tread water the way
choked with the steady roots of anguish
each step a crucible of intestinal fortitude
every breath a testimonial to our struggle

Yet within our valiant spirits
smolders an indomitable force
a phoenix clawing its way from the ashes
to illuminate the abyss
to forge pain into a voucher of strength

The storm descends with a haunting peril
a cajoling tempest seducing with fiery promises
its presence a monstrous terror
a grotesque ballet of rage and defiance
the winds scream blue murder
with a wrath that rattles countless bones

Rain slashes like a merciless interrogator
each drop counts a dagger of chaos
within this apocalyptic ballet
we confront the obstinate brutality of life

In the storm’s savage grip
souls dilapidated by adversity
each glistening drop — a new story
each raging storm — a new revelation
questions the spirits
do we succumb to the deluge
or rise and prevail

Once I heard a lesson from the wise
a tale of three that faced the boiling ordeal
the eggshell’s brittle and fragile
its shell hardened as steel
its heart calcified to stone

The potato steadfast and firm
softened and yielded
lost its resilient core
but the coffee bean
small with an intoxicating essence
transformed the water

Life hurls its infernos
torrents of agony
but what will you become
in the tragedy of the storm
will you be the eggshell?
impervious yet hollow
a citadel of desolation

Or the potato?
that disintegrates under pressure
losing its essence
surrendering spirit
or the coffee bean?
altering the boiling gale
creating richness from turmoil

We face many cataclysms
tempests of great terror
fears spreading like wildfire
yet in those brutal storms
we discover our true selves
forge our looming destiny

Raindrops may assail us
winds may howl ominously
within every maelstrom
lies a door leading to transformation
to be more than our tribulations
to transcend suffering
to enjoy within the storm

For when it rains it pours
we wield the truest power
to turn every tempest
into a garden of resilience
to sculpt our fate
reshape our existence
find within each deluge
new reasons to prevail

I learnt to be the coffee bean
in the seething cauldron
let life’s harsh downpours
reveal your true spirits and core
transform every trial
into a masterpiece
thrive and flourish in the storm

Photo by Ken Suarez on Unsplash



Soul Magazine

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1