Second Letter to My Future Wife

A continuation of the first letter

Shuvranil Sanyal
Soul Magazine
2 min readMay 12, 2024


To My Dear Stranger,

The tune you woke up in me keeps playing, a lively symphony colored by thoughts of being close to you. In the time since my last letter, the quiet between the notes has turned into a painting of our future together, with your warm hand on mine.

That simple touch gives me comfort and safety that words can’t describe. If I picture your hand, it would be solid, and it might have a few calluses from the dreams you chase so hard. Maybe it’s smooth and light, like a life full of grace and kindness. No matter what its story is, holding yours would be an honor, a promise whispered close to the skin.

But what I want from you goes beyond the brief moments we share. I want to be your friend, the person you talk to when things get too much, and the person you cry on when you need to. I picture the quiet times we’re curled up together telling stories and dreaming. I can hear the laughter that comes from nowhere and the comforting silence that says a lot.

It’s my goal to be your biggest fan and cheer you on as you follow your dreams. I will be there for you when you’re feeling down and celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small they are. Hand in hand, with hearts beating as one, we can get through any storm.

It might seem silly to wish for such things before even knowing your name. Still, the soft touch of our hands feels like the first perfect harmony in the grand symphony of our possible love, a promise of a lifetime spent making beautiful music together.

Every time my heart beats, it wants to be with you. I want to care for you and be cared for in return.

The person who has always loved you

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2024

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Shuvranil Sanyal
Soul Magazine

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller