Escaping the Rat Race for Mental Health ✨

Reclaim your well-being

Saima Saleem
Soul Magazine


I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to my dear friend Katherine Myrestad 🌺 on initiating a new venture “SOUL MAGAZINE”.

I wish this publication boundless success. This project is led by the calmest, sweetest and kindest girl I’ve had the pleasure of meeting on Medium.

My warmest wishes go out to Katherine Myrestad 🌺 and the team

“SOUL MAGAZINE” for a prosperous and fun-filled journey ahead.

Saima Saleem

Here’s my first contribution for the SOUL MAGAZINE ✨

Saima Saleem

Daily Dose of Self-Love

Day 5

Do you want to get rid of depression and want to keep anxiety at bay?

Grab your favourite snack and keep reading!! 📖

The competition has reached unprecedented levels nowadays and everyone is striving to become the best version of themselves,

while doing so we often overlook the significant toll it can take on both our physical and mental well-being!!

The relentless pursuit of success in the…

