Show Me Prometheus

Poetry of Not Knowing

Lila's Gardener
Soul Magazine
Jan 6, 2024


Photo by Da Vinci App, 2024

Show me this yaldabaoth

This ego

Show me his broken form

Reflecting my shattered

Self Image

Point me at the

Ignorant Creator

So that I may hold him softly

In his Hubris

And point him, with care,

My dear step-father

Back home; to his Mother


What only wanted for him

To create Love

Let him come home

All Father

Let him die and see the light,

And so before it, vanish.


Oh vain creator,

So able to wound,

So able to heal.

Do you know, yet, Demiurge,

That you are not my soul?

Photo by DaVinci app, 2024

©2024 Stephen Rains

