Tears in Silence: A Short Story on Navigating Grief

🇱🇰 Tania Mc Mullen
Soul Magazine
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

In the quiet solitude of my dimly lit room, I sit alone, consumed by the relentless ache in my chest. Heartbreak has woven its suffocating grip around me pulling me into a dark and unforgiving rabbit hole of despair.

It had started with a single phone call, a voice on the other end delivering news that shattered my world. My mother had been diagnosed with the big C! “Inoperable and incurable”. The words were like a dagger through my heart.

I was told she may have a year at best. From the single phone call that changed my life, she was gone in 3 months and 3 days.

As the days following her death turned into weeks, I found myself descending deeper into the abyss of heartache. I wanted to withdraw from the world, my once vibrant life reduced to a mere existence. The joy that once filled my days had vanished, replaced by an emptiness that threatened to consume me.

The world outside my window had lost its color, its vibrancy. I watched as people hurried by, their lives seemingly untouched by the storm raging within me. I wondered how they could carry on, how they could laugh and smile when my own world was crumbling around me.

Nights were the worst. Sleep was an elusive dream, and when it did come, it brought nightmares that left me drenched in sweat, my heart pounding. In the quiet darkness, I would stay awake, waiting impatiently for the light of dawn.

My friends and family tried to reach out, offering words of comfort and support, but the rabbit hole I had fallen into seemed impossible to escape. The pain was all-consuming, a relentless torrent that threatened to drown me.

But then, in my darkest hour, something began to shift within me. It was a glimmer of resilience, a spark of determination. I heard her voice telling me to me that I couldn’t allow heartbreak to define my entire life, that I couldn’t continue spiraling down this endless rabbit hole of despair.

Now, with each passing day, I take small steps toward healing; to navigate the tumultuous sea of emotions. I lean on my support system, allowing their love to penetrate the darkness. I have started to journal my feelings, giving voice to the pain that I had kept locked inside.

The heartbreak has not vanished entirely, but it no longer holds me captive. It has become a part of my story, a chapter in my life that in time will shape me into a stronger, more resilient person.

Through my immense grief, I have learned that while heartbreak can be devastating, if you listen to the voice in the distance telling you that “this too shall pass”, it can be a catalyst for healing.

I know that I will emerge from my rabbit hole with a newfound sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of myself. The scars of heartbreak will remain, but they will be a testament to my strength and resilience.

Mother, this is my promise to you!



🇱🇰 Tania Mc Mullen
Soul Magazine

Born in Sri Lanka to a Dutch-Burgher mother & Colombo-Chetty father, I travelled the world for 30 years….I’m still finding my way!