The Mirror Principle: The Most Effective Method for Manifestation

🌀 Marko Eickholt 🌀
Soul Magazine
Published in
6 min readNov 29, 2023


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Imagine being able to flip a switch and the world around you starts to change. Sounds like magic, right? But what if I tell you there’s a method that promises just that — and it’s simpler and more effective than you might think. I’m talking about the mirror principle, a fascinating approach that is gaining increasing importance in the world of self-improvement and personal growth.

This principle is something very special. It’s based on a simple yet profound idea: Our external reality is nothing but a reflection of our internal state. This means that the way we think about ourselves and our environment directly influences what we experience in our lives. It’s as if we’re painting the scenery of our lives with our thoughts and beliefs.

But how exactly does this work? And what does it mean for you and me in everyday life? Let’s dive together into this exciting world and find out how we can use the mirror principle to not only change ourselves but also positively transform our surroundings.

The Mirror Principle: More Than Just a Concept

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to glide effortlessly through life while others constantly swim against the current? This is where the mirror principle comes into play, and let me tell…



🌀 Marko Eickholt 🌀
Soul Magazine

Expert in Self-Improvement, Personal Growth & Law of Attraction. Sharing tips for a fulfilling life journey.