“We Choose Whether Our Pain And Trauma Make Us Bitter Or Better.”Val Garner - 🖋️ Pen name Amber Richards

Introducing Valerie Garner; The Woman With Tenacious Perspective That Can Inspire Her Readers….

Sreeja Saraswati
Soul Magazine



Namaste Medium !!!!

Soul Magazine is continuing the Interview sessions with our Gifted writers. Valerie Garner have been consistently writing for Soul Magazine with her inputs about detox series, and is actively involved in content ranging from tips for medium writers, gardening, pest control, healthy recipes, and share her knowledge to fellow women. She has authored a book on Organic Pest Control, which has been a success in its content and updates. So, here is ‘AGE IS JUST A NUMBER’ , DYNAMIC,DESTINY DEFINING WOMAN…..

SREEJA — Hi Val, I feel lucky to be interviewing You. You cover almost every topic for a comprehensive living. When did you discover this writing talent in you? How VALARIE BECAME AMBER RICHARDS?

*VAL — I started writing self-published books in about 2014. I was working as a nanny at that time (and older nanny, in my 50’s), and knew I would not be able to keep up chasing young children for many more years physically.

I began writing in the hopes of being able to supplement my income when I could retire.

I took a break from writing for a couple of years and worked more on the design realm. I discovered Medium back in December and began writing on this platform, and a love of writing rushed back in.

When I wrote my first self-published book, for some reason most of the tutorial guides I had read at that time recommended people use a pen name. Looking back, it makes me wonder why, but I chose Amber Richards because at that time Amber and Richard were in the top 10 most popular names of that year.

SREEJA — Dear Val, It is said that the writers are molded by experiences; real, testing, ones. How did your childhood and younger days become your prompt cards?

**VAL — My childhood wasn’t an easy one. I spent huge amounts of time alone in the outdoors, but as an introvert, that set well.

In my young grade school years, I walked home from school, which was a mile. I started kindergarten as one of the youngest in my class, so I was very little and the walk felt long.

I would pass by the local library on my way home from school, and many times I would go to the library and look at all the books and magazines in the children’s section. I would spend what felt like significant time there daily, before finishing the walk home.

I was an avid reader as a child, so that fostered a love of writing I believe.

SREEJA — While you write about a variety of topics, You went for Pest Control as the topic of Your Book.. What made it your favourite topic ?

Digital Art By Val Garner

VAL — A combination of things. First, I am an avid gardener, mostly of flowers and herbs, many times growing unusual and funky types of plants to try.

I also have battled an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's, since my twenties. I’ve had to study and learn about the health realm to be healthy and feel good.

I’ve had extraordinary exposure to chemicals in my life, which I suspect is a contributing factor to having an autoimmune disease in the first place.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to get much more diligent at eliminating as many toxins and chemicals from my life, as I have control over. This includes cookware, foods, skin care products, cosmetics, water, and gardening practices.

My book about pest and disease control is about gardening without chemicals. Especially for people who are growing vegetables and fruits and consumption, a person shouldn’t be putting these chemicals into their bodies and risking their health.

It is a merging of two topics important to me, to help others and add value to their lives.

SREEJA — So, weeds — the concept of relating weeds to the human ecosystem… And that heartfelt introspection on Father’s day…As I follow the Ayurveda Medical System, nothing in the world is useless or purposeless… So weeds are a nuisance as per the perspective of the farmer… We can never estimate one, unless we know their purpose in life… So, from such a person, who is so positive to others, is that a little unexpected?

VAL — Deep question here.

As humans, we all face different hardships and challenges. I don’t think any of us escape trauma in this life, in some form or another.

However, we do make choices in what we do with those areas of brokenness. Some people become mean, bitter, and vengeful. And we see that direction in the headlines of the news daily. We all know people who have become hardened, jaded, and pessimistic towards life.

I don’t want to become that. I choose to fight that in my life and to go after healing and wholeness. I’ve gone through years of counseling (that was painful and difficult) to address this. I’ve received a large measure of healing from God for my soul/spirit, but I’m still very much in the process.

I want to be one who uplifts others, to stand beside the broken to encourage and perhaps be an instrument of healing to them in some way. My pain and brokenness have given me compassion for the pain in others. But, it is a messy process.

We choose whether we want our pain and trauma to allow us to become bitter, or better. I choose to enter the hard path of healing and to allow it to make me better.

SREEJA — Being Hashimoto’s warrior, how do you see yourself evolving into a healthy lifestyle ?

VAL — I try to eat clean, whole foods although I’m certainly not perfect, especially since I fight a terrible sweet tooth.

I make milk kefir and use this daily in smoothies that have helped.

I’ve had to study thyroid a lot, I know which tests should be run and how to interpret those blood tests. I have found much more success via naturopathic / osteopathic doctors than in standard Western medicine. I don’t mean any offense, but that’s been my journey to actually feeling well.

I’ve had to get serious about eliminating as many toxins as I have control of. I do regular detoxing protocols and fasting as normal, healthy maintenance.

I explore other alternative type therapies, such as red light and more recently grounding, and vibration types.

Most importantly I have to listen to my body, and honor what it’s telling me. Especially in regards to rest and not pushing too hard. I can now tell if my thyroid levels are off by the feeling in my body.

There are other signals I’ve learned as well. For example, if I get a swollen sore throat, it’s my body’s way of saying serious rest must immediately take priority. In the past, I would ignore that and keep pushing, only to have bone-draining exhaustion take me down hard for months.

SREEJA — The healthy and delicious recipes that you share must have been the result of your extensive research… How much do you believe this has helped in the good control of your hormones and good health ?

VALI believe good nutrition is foundational. Our bodies are designed to be able to heal from so many things. But, we need to provide the proper nutritional building blocks to do that. I also believe part of that process is removing as many harmful elements as possible.

Sometimes other interventions are still needed beyond nutrition. For me, one of those is thyroid hormone.

SREEJA — You have opened up about your furnace like experiences in Perimenopause……

VAL — Yes, the term ‘hot flash’ is deceptive in minimizing the experience. I think most peri and menopausal women would agree.

I have found myself quite shocked at how unaware and unprepared I was for this and other aging processes. I don’t think it’s been talked about enough to prepare others who will be coming into it, for what some of these things feel like. We prepare people for puberty, but not much about aging.

I think hearing people’s experiences might help take some of the shock factor out or at least reduce it.

SREEJA — Did these led you think about detox? You have elaborated about complete body detox and the ways to delay the aging process…

Yes.. I have realized that it helps support the immune system and other body systems to function at their best.

I did a pretty radical whole-body detox a few years ago, and the result has been a lasting health turnaround for me.

I went from one who would catch every cold / flu around if anyone even had a sniffle. At the worst of it, I had 3 separate colds/flu in one month. I had a sinus infection that even three rounds of antibiotics didn’t take out. At the worst point, I had to tell my adult children not to bring the grandchildren around if they had even a runny nose. That was devastating to me.

After this very concentrated, months-long time of detox process (that I did about 10 years ago), I have not been sick, like I was before (I have gotten an occasional one here and there, but it is rare). Many times I’ve been exposed to active colds and flu near me, but usually now, my body can successfully fight it off and not get sick.

SREEJA — How did you discover Medium ? How do you see and judge your journey so far?

VAL — I discovered Medium by hearing a YouTuber talk about it. However, this person didn’t really ‘get’ the reality and the vision of what Medium is about, so I felt like I was battling misinformation at first.


As I dug in and learned more about Medium, I discovered an amazing community of people, many of whom I consider new friends, even tho we live in different parts of the world.

The Medium community has been so supportive and friendly it has been such a welcomed breath of fresh air, so to speak. For me, it was the best, unexpected part of the experience.

SREEJA — After reading your writings, One can feel your inclination towards Gardening…

VAL — Yes, a love of nature in general, plants, animals, and people even for this introvert.


SREEJA — So, this interest in gardening added to the clean, healthy recipe ideas must have led to your research that led to your book. Can you share with the readers about your book ?

My book Pest Control for Organic Gardening: Natural Methods for Pest and Disease Control — was written from years of study and research, and by utilize these practices in my yard and garden.

It entails multiple natural/non-toxic ways to fight both plant diseases and garden pests.

Some of these practices include the use of beneficial insects that help combat the destructive ones. It digs into a fairly comprehensive list of them that goes beyond the common ladybugs.

It shares homemade nature bug sprays that can be made at home with simple ingredients, using natural traps, row covers, and other methods to fight insects in the garden.

I also write about enriching the garden soil and composting methods. I believe most people who garden would find value in it. Currently, it has a 4-star rating of 129 reviews. It can be found at: https://amzn.to/3XQY6Xe


SREEJA — Dear Val, Apart from writing, how do you share wisdom and encourage other women?

VAL — Life seems to present opportunities. I tend to be a quiet, reserved person, and many people seem to naturally open up to me and share their hearts.

When this happens, I believe they have allowed me into precious territory, and I’m careful with their hearts. Sometimes it is simply actively listening and engaging with them, other times there may be some experience I can share that might help or encourage them.

I don’t have all the answers, I seem to have more questions than answers at this stage of life, but I can offer my presence and care. At the end of the day, I think that is what stays with a person and matters deeply to their soul.

Other times, it may be practical help that is needed, such as helping to drive someone to doctor appointments, or other needs.

SREEJA — You have shared about living in a modern boarding house with your roommates.. This presence and caregiving habit and mindset should have helped them too…

VAL — Yes, my living situation is very unique. I’ve lived two years now in a modern boarding house for women over 55. It’s not a halfway house. I have 11 roommates and it is a unique situation with both blessings and challenges.

Never in a million years would I think this is where life’s path would take me, but here I am, at least for now. Many times life throws curveballs at us that we didn’t see coming. We have to learn to adapt to what is and make the best of it.

SREEJA — You have shared about the dragonfly moment of encouragement, as a spiritual realization?

VAL — Yes, it was a time I was spending outdoors, talking to God at a time I was feeling very discouraged. Knowing I had big decisions to make after a 28-year marriage was ending. I was sad, confused, and scared.

It was an experiential moment that was very personal to me in which I felt God’s love and care to me in an out-of-the-box way, and I posted a picture in that article about it. It is still quite mysterious to me, but I felt comforted greatly by this time.

SREEJA — That’s divine…. Certain People are met by some unknown decisions made from some unknown power. I believe in that power…So we met here at Soul Magazine.. To wind up this very soothing conversation, may I ask you that one Super Principle that led you this far ?

VAL — Your questions are so thought-provoking! I do believe my steps are ordered by God, and many times, actually most times it has been a walk of mystery / faith in my life. I seem to have more questions than answers at this stage of my life however, but I trust His goodness will lead me and guide me through it all. He brings amazing people across my path, hopefully, to learn from each other and uplift each other.

Val Garner - 🖋️ Pen name Amber Richards




Katherine Myrestad

dr candi dugas Alex Parry

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Sreeja Saraswati
Soul Magazine

Dr. Sreeja Sandeep Pillai MD, Editor of Soul Magazine & The Literary Underground, Ayurveda Doctor by profession, Bharatnatyam Dancer by Passion, Writer by Hobby