What Makes You Special, Uniquely YOU

Discover Who You Are

Janice Osei-Boamah
Soul Magazine


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

There are things about each of us that scream, “I’m me.” This is who I am, things about us that are readily obvious to ourselves and the world.

Then there are those characteristics that go deep, layers of us that people have to peel back in order to see. There is an investment of time spent extracting these marvelous unseen parts of us that are usually reserved for those close to us, and even more reserved for intimacy with ourselves.

We live in a world of affirming, but what are we affirming?

The word “affirm” suggests that we already know something to affirm its existence, but what do we already know about us?

Shouldn’t we first be discovering — discovering who we are underneath all the words others throw our way and even what we think of ourselves?

Is it affirmations we need or time spent getting to know ourselves, digging within for answers about who we are?

Before you can affirm something, you need to know it.

I wonder about the randomness of telling yourself you are this or that without first knowing — knowing yourself first — knowing yourself better.

Affirm means to testify or declare or to state something as fact.



Janice Osei-Boamah
Soul Magazine

I love the written word. Putting words together brings hope, clarity, and inspiration to me. I hope these words give something to you for your journey.