What You Think of Me is None of My Business

Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2024


Marina Shatskika on Pexels

Our job, yours and mine is not to work to have others like or love us–that’s our job, our responsibility. And this is where we have to start.

About 25 years ago while living in western Colorado, I was part of a group of spiritual seekers. We read books and invited speakers and workshop facilitators in an attempt to be better humans and to gain a greater insight into our true purpose.

One of our speakers/workshop facilitators was a kind, knowledgeable teacher from the Options Institute in Massachusetts. His name was Ron. We were meeting at our home and going around the circle, practising speaking our truth, and sharing our concerns and feedback from an authentic heart space. Arnie, a man I had met before, sat next to me and my husband was on the other side. When it was Arnie’s time to share, he turned to me and said, “Lee, I don’t like you. I love you but I just don’t like you.”

His words stung.

Everyone in the room held their breath waiting for my response. I looked at everyone. I looked at Ron, who smiled compassionately. And then at my husband who was sitting next to me, gently squeezing my hand, his eyes full of love.

The rules that we all agreed upon said that our only reply was to simply thank the person giving the feedback. I turned back to Arnie, smiled while…



Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine

Mystic. Lightworker. Intuitive Guide. Essential Oil Educator. Integrating our Humanity and Divinity