Inspirational Poetry — Gratitude — Challenge — Soul Magazine

When You’re Thankful

See the good that’s in your sights

LC Lynch
Soul Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2023


A woman raises her hands to the sky in gratitude
Photo by Oleksandr P: Pexels

Grey skies overhead
filled with inner dread
attention misled
what are you missing?

When you look around
so much more is found
compassion surrounds
see what life’s giving

Just so thankful to be alive
you have more than you realize

When you’re thankful your heart’s revived
see the good that’s in your sights

Faulty thinking scatters
removing false wrappers
what matters
connections enriching

When your vision shifts
your dampened heart lifts
you get over it
gratitude singing

Just so thankful to be alive
you have more than you realize

When you’re thankful your heart’s revived
see the good that’s in your sights

© Leah Lynch 2023



LC Lynch
Soul Magazine

Freelance writer for spiritual entrepreneurs. Uplifting content to heal your mind, body, & soul.