Writing / Creativity

Words From My Heart & Soul

Writing reminds me who I am and what my purpose is

Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2024


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I love writing; it is my passion. I’ve dreamed of being a writer since I was a child. Almost every day, I wake to the desire to write. It is exciting when a story begs me to bring it to life.

Creativity takes courage. ~Henri Matisse

However, sometimes, no story is waiting for my attention. On these days, I just want to chill and trust that when a story calls me, I’ll know. And then, my small voice, my ego, says, “Get up and write. This is your job now, so get cracking!”

“I can’t!” I scream in defiance, pulling the covers over my head and turning the music up loud. Oh, I could type a bunch of words on the page, even make them readable. But it will have no soul, no heart. It will simply be words on a page.

The Conveyor Belt

When my daughter was a toddler, I took a job working nights on an assembly line for a printing company. I stood “online” (with the presses on) eight hours a night, moving stacks of printed papers onto a conveyor belt. It was grueling.

When I was finally able to quit, I swore never again. I didn’t mind the rigidity, even though it was pretty dehumanizing. I could handle the…



Lee Byrd
Soul Magazine

Mystic. Lightworker. Intuitive Guide. Essential Oil Educator. Integrating our Humanity and Divinity