Zillionaire: An Abecedarian Poem

On gratitude

Paroma Sen
Soul Magazine


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

At the flagging end of the year, here I am
Beholden to all the gifts showered on me
Crown on my head, love in my heart
Dearly holding me close, warming my soul

Every time I slipped, every time I swayed
Finding my path anew, doorways opened up
Gratitude follows me like a shadow, nay a sentry
Handing me a stick, a cane, a shield, whatever I need

In my quest for myself, my purpose, my own path
Jaded I did become many a time, lost, feeling forsaken
Kindness was bereft, support misplaced,
Life seemed cold, lonely, unfair and orphan

Many a time did I question myself, did I turn wrongly?
No one around me, perhaps I am mistaken after all?
Outer world, inner world, in harsh conflict
Perhaps time to take a back seat, learn to let go

Quagmire of the soul notwithstanding,
Relief rushes in from unexpected love pouring in
So much warmth in the fold of your arms around me
Tugging me up out of the water straight into the sky



Paroma Sen
Soul Magazine

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”