Black Mother

Jai Ma Kalaratri — Celebrating the divine feminine

Vaishali Paliwal
Soul & Sea
2 min readOct 7, 2019



Ma Kalaratri is the seventh Goddess manifestation of the Navadurga (nine forms of Goddess Durga). Navaratri (the nine nights festival) celebrates the divine feminine.

“You are the primordial cause of everything
Bringing into force the three qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas)
You are the dark might of periodic dissolution
You are the great night of final dissolution and the terrible night of delusion”

Ma, time held me
without mercy

its swing severs
my soul
stays unstitched

it counts beats
of all hearts
remaining and gone

it counts life
in its tongue
of time.

until you arrive.

you arrive
my mother
with your dark.

your dark
is sea of
no time

it rises and vanishes
in your command
over death

of a dark that is
over spark

of a dark that is

Ma, you have in your hand
severed head of my time

at your feet is my Shiva
longing for her Shakti

to bloom without fear
My Mother, bless me
with your black nights.


Vaishali Paliwal

