photo-Amy Wambeke (unsplash)


Soul & Sea



Under the willow tree I hide my mirror,

small enough to be mistaken for morning dew.

I look for a point of origin, something to explain how and why

we all must see it through.”


Encased in impasse,

I couldn’t even eye other passengers

Past my papers.

I wouldn’t watch what

My window offered:

Small towns, & all their lights,

Reflections, inside, of us riding passersby.

We keep on sweeping by.


I patch my reflective papers.

Inspecting these all, aspects of my work,

Taking stock, as this stall is a lock still.

I, Y’see, yesterday’s night

I ran nine yellow lights,

& Just as there were dares that didn’t time out right,

I’ll just decide, to still ride




the sublime opening verse is from my favorite online poet

Allison Grayhurst, from “Eating From An Imaginary Spoon”



Soul & Sea

“science of truth isn’t my strong suit. But I can watch from a garage roof; take semi evaluative notes, & make up semi reflective reports, & fake some control”