Flesh and Bones — an inspirational poem for the seeker

Kabir Advani
Soul & Sea
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2019

The body is but flesh and bones,


hiding beneath

the true gem,

The all-spark




By the 5 horses,

What man seeks, is seeking him,

But what man truly is,

is something phenomenal,

A phase, where the seeker and the

object are same,

Where top meets bottom,

Up and down becomes one,

Doer and doing disappears,

Where Drop becomes Ocean,

and Ocean becomes drop,

And what’s left,

Isn’t flesh and bones anymore,

but a Being,

Photo by Monil Andharia on Unsplash

Powered like a megawatt lighthouse,

of pure, unsullied, untouched energy

Which moves beyond the body, and

touches everything and everyone

around him,

Then is it flesh and bones anymore,

Or something more?



Kabir Advani
Soul & Sea

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost.