Geomancy for December 2019

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2019

December is upon us and it’s time again for a monthly geomancy reading. For a quick refresher on how to build a geomancy shield chart you can find instructions here. Otherwise, let’s look at the chart and see how things look for December.

Again, I’m breaking down the first two rows of the shield chart into four sections, one for each week. The final three sections at the bottom of the chart depict the Right and Left Witnesses and the Judge/Outcome of the reading. If the situation still isn’t clear, I can create a reconciler from the Judge and the first box but that may not be necessary. So, let’s look at each week.

Week One

  • Via — way, path, journey, active presence, Water, Moon in Leo
  • Fortuna Major — greater fortune, Fire, Sun in Leo
  • Fortuna Minor — lesser fortune, Fire, Sun in Taurus

Both the Sun and Elemental Fire provide the greatest influence suggesting will and creativity are strong this week. Hard work may be paying off as we take a new direction potentially involving a career focus. Perhaps a raise or a promotion is coming our way, or we could receive additional income from an unexpected source. Either way, if we stay vigilant in our efforts good fortune may follow.

Week Two

  • Laetitia — joy, gladness, Air, Jupiter in Taurus
  • Tristitia — sadness, grief, evil, Earth, Saturn in Aquarius
  • Carcer — imprisonment, evil, Earth, Saturn in Capricorn

With Saturn’s influence this week, we may feel trapped by difficult emotions threatening our ability to see things clearly. It may be best to focus on routine even if only to step away from chaotic emotions. Dwelling on negative thoughts and emotions leaves one in a self-sustaining lower frequency. Recognize that joy is stronger than sadness or grief and move into that higher resonance.

Week Three

  • Amissio — loss, Earth, Venus in Taurus
  • Laetitia — joy, gladness, Air, Jupiter in Taurus
  • Albus — wisdom, sage, Air, Mercury in Gemini

After experiencing difficult emotions last week, we may have learned something about the relationship between joy and sadness or loss. Amissio and Laetitia really are two sides of the same coin and their difference is only one of degree. The same is true of Laetitia and Trisitia, especially given they are each other’s complement. Using the wisdom of Albus, if we can see that this notion is fundamentally true it’s easier to transmute loss into joy.

Week Four

  • Fortuna Minor — lesser fortune, Fire, Sun in Taurus
  • Puer — young boy, impulsive action, Fire, Mars in Aries
  • Tristitia — sadness, grief, evil, Earth, Saturn in Aquarius

The expression, famous last words, may be in order because we may still be dealing with some unsettled emotions and issues with impulse control this week. We’ll likely still make progress this week given the presence of Fortuna Minor, but that may be threatened if our will proves difficult to keep in check.

Right/Left Witnesses & the Judge

  • Right Witness ~ Acquisitio — gain, profit, Air, Jupiter in Aries
  • Left Witness ~ Fortuna Major — greater fortune, Fire, Sun in Leo
  • Judge (Outcome) ~ Conjunctio — joining together, Air, Mercury in Virgo

One might be tempted to view December as a difficult month where emotions are in flux or unstable, but we did begin the month with a new direction and the promise of success. The change of direction may have left us feeling unsure of the outcome but it’s clear from both Acquisitio and Fortuna Major appearing both this week and in week one, that whatever the difficulty, success was still possible.

Conjunctio, or joining together, represents the Judge or Outcome of the reading suggesting the blending of Air and Fire, intellect and will, in service to a successful outcome.

Final Thoughts

Although we certainly began the month on a positive note, the final three weeks of December seem emotionally difficult or at least reflecting issues of impulse control. I also noticed an interesting pattern develop where two of the three geomantic runes in each week share the same elemental energy.

In week one, Fire (will) overcomes the quenching effect of Water (emotions). Week two has us rising above (Air) the trappings of Earth and material form, while week three’s wisdom provides perspective when balancing head and heart. However, week four’s increased Fire energy keeps grounding a problem as focus may be lost.

If we stay away from judgment and accept that all emotions lie on the same continuum, it can be easier to find the wisdom within whatever we experience.

Until next month…

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on December 1, 2019.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…